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Update! Victor Index, Franklin, Victor and Victor Portable Fri, 05 Aug 2016
the Victor Index, Franklin, Victor and Victor Portable serial number pages have been updated in the new format. Read more here:
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Update! Williams, Secor, Emerson, Visigraph, Federal, National and Musicwriter Fri, 05 Aug 2016
The Williams, Secor, Emerson, Visigraph, Federal, National and Musicwriter serial number pages have all been updated with new info and a new format that includes relevant patents and thumbnails. Read more here:
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Hermes 3000 updated Thu, 31 Mar 2016
While poking at the H3000 galleries, I found a very late serial number that allowed me to approximate the serial list an additional 3 years to 1979. The sparseness of machine galleries between 1971 and 1979 seems unusual. Anybody got any boxy, plastic 3000's that you haven't uploaded yet?

Updated Voss serial number page Sat, 12 Mar 2016
Figured out I could extrapolate the 5 missing years from the Voss serial number list based on previous production and the high range of serial numbers shown in the Voss galleries, so did it! (:

Juniors have pages now! Sun, 31 Jan 2016
Went cleaning up the Bennetts and Juniors and found a Gescha Junior in the mix that I hunted down the correct category for. While I was there, I looked up what I could find for all three brands and compiled a couple of pages for them. Bennett, Junior and Gescha Junior pages are updated!

Woodstock updated again! Tue, 19 Jan 2016
We got to fine-tune some numbers and add more info to Woodstock in the 20's and early 30's thanks to some research into the Alger Hiss case by Robert Messenger.

Fox and Adler pages updated! Sun, 17 Jan 2016
Thanks to some great research by Tyler Anderson and Robert Godlieb, respectively. Fox just got a whole lot more interesting! (:

Woodstock page updated! Tue, 29 Dec 2015
Review of BMED '27 and ADBM '24 clarified much of the early Woodstock numbers, and added a list of Electrite serials. There was a number of years in the middle of the old list that were actually December numbers in the middle of January ones, which I've fixed. Also, say hello to Woodstock numbers all the way back to 1917! I've re-dated and re-classified all Woodstock galleries in the database to suit the new info.

Gossen Tippa serial numbers updated. Sat, 26 Dec 2015
Took a deep dig into the info we have on Gossen Tippa and rebuilt the page..
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Moskva Updated, Janalif added! Mon, 21 Dec 2015
More research from Alex Sandler gives some more clarity on some brands we knew very little about, and even some nice info on Janalif, which is apparently more correct than the previous spelling of "Yanalif". Additionally, some orphaned categories like Progress, Volga and Ortekh got logically linked to their respective predecessors. I recommend checking out the source documents for #64 for additional identifying photos and the list of documented serial numbers from which these lists were compiled.