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Whoah, hit the bandwidth limit again :P Fri, 16 Nov 2018
Well, we broke through our previous bandwidth limit again, so I had to kick it up again - I guess we're getting more and more popular! :D

Fonts are a bit bigger Fri, 02 Nov 2018
There were some folks who had an issue reading the previous body copy font size, so we've kicked that up a bit. I'm pondering the size of the menu fonts, but honestly, the compactness of the font is kind of necessary to make the menus work on phones. Still looking at similarly compact fonts to see if we can find something we like better. (:
Also, I think I've finally got the Hunter Scores updating nightly again.

Doin' some Site Maintenance Wed, 24 Oct 2018
UPDATE: Everything is all set up, and the site should be running on SSL now. Enjoy! (:

TWDB Version Epsilon Has Arrived Sun, 21 Oct 2018
Well, as you may have noticed, we're now in Version Epsilon. Welcome!
Basically, the entire site has been rebuilt from scratch, and the mobile version and desktop version (Beta & Gamma) are now united, so now you can log in and do Typewriter Hunter stuff on your mobile browser. Most likely I'll write some blog articles explaining why certain teased features (re: "Ephemera" and "Shops") didn't quite make it into this release, but suffice to say much of it got built and then I had more thoughts about the lack of focus for the features in relation to the core mission and decided to push 'em off for later - maybe make 'em a Patreon goal reward once I've re-thought them to the point where they are certain to maintain focus on the mission.. (:
PS: Yes, I know about the random Error 500 that happens every once in awhile. working on tracking that error down.

10,000th Typewriter Gallery Uploaded! Tue, 25 Sep 2018
...and it is fitting that #10k was a Sholes & Glidden :D
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Growin' a lot! Sat, 29 Jul 2017
heh, I tried to log into TWDB a bit ago and found it 503'd (bandwidth exceeded). Yup, this month we cracked through the monthly data transfer finally and I had to up the quota. That translates to 5.4 million hits this month or 1.3 million more than last year in July.

So yeah, If I go by traffic stats, there is a significantly increasing number of people interested in looking at typewriters this year. Roughly 20% more. :D

Noiseless, Rochester and American Pocket Typewriter Updated! Fri, 19 Aug 2016
Following a lose thread from the last set of updates, specifically the designs of W. P. Kidder, there’s a few new links forged in that chain..
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Update! Bennington and Xcel Fri, 05 Aug 2016
The Bennington and Xcel serial number pages have been updated to the new format. Read here:
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Update! Fox Fri, 05 Aug 2016
The Fox serial number page has been updated to the new format. Read here:
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Update! World, Boston, Garbell, Venus and Venus Portable Fri, 05 Aug 2016
The World, Boston, Garbell, Venus and Venus Portable serial number pages have been updated to the new format. read here:
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