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Bennett/Junior Pages Updated Thu, 18 Dec 2014
Thanks to an email alert from ProfessorC about a tidbit of info dropped in the Yahoo groups by Thomas Furtig, we now have some info about the different models. No luck with dates to serial numbers yet.

Blickensderfer Page Updated! Thu, 18 Dec 2014
Thanks to Georg Sommeregger for alerting me to Source #32: "The Five-Pound Secretary. An Illustrated History of the Blickensderfer Typewriter" by R. Blickensderfer and P. Robert - and providing a table of serial numbers for Blicks, we now have Blick years covered with serial numbers in range. Be careful, these are Dec 31 numbers, not Jan 1 like you're used to. (:

Bijou serials updated! Thu, 18 Dec 2014
Thanks to the research and compiling efforts of Nick Beland, assisted by information provided by Georg Sommeregger, we now have new, and we think better numbers for Erika. We're currently debating splitting Erika away from S&N and giving Erika it's own serial number page. There's been quite a lot of updating for DDR manufacturers, and more is coming!

Robotron Serials now Available! Thu, 18 Dec 2014
Thanks to the research and compiling efforts of Nick Beland, assisted by information provided by Georg Sommeregger, we now have good numbers for Robotron. Nick is also doing research on Erika which should result in better numbers for that manufacturer soon as well.

OLYMPIA page updated and corrected Thu, 18 Dec 2014
The OLYMPIA page has been updated and corrected. OMEF 1980 expanded the serial number range of existing models (SM models gained *13* years of new serial number data and is now complete from 1950 to 1979!)

In addition to expanded and corrected date ranges for SM1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9, SF & Traveller, SG Models and most of the SGE models, we now have coverage up to 1979 for: Olympiette, Report, SGE 77,65,60,45 and SKM, models that we had nothing at all on before.

There's some confusion between Schramm 62 and OMEF 80 on the SM2 model, similar to the confusion over Olivetti Lettera 22's. In both cases the data from both sources is presented, with a note stating which I think is more credible.

If you've dated your Olympia before, please date it again using the new data. I had to correct a few typos made in the original numbers from Schumann's data. If you weren't able to find your date before, try it now!

Added: Serial numbers for ADDO Thu, 18 Dec 2014
OMEF 1980 happened to have a section of serial numbers on Addo typewriters, so I added them.

Added: Serial numbers for SILVER REED Thu, 18 Dec 2014
OMEF 1980 happened to have a section of serial numbers on Silver Reed, so I added them.

Olivetti page completely redone! Thu, 18 Dec 2014
The Olivetti page has been completely redone. With the addition of OMEF 1980 and a re-examination of Schramm 1962, quite a few numbers have changed and a lot of models have been added. Additionally, I've added Platen Diameters and some notes from OMEF 80 that state in no uncertain terms that dating an Olivetti from the serial number past 1978 is pretty much impossible.

That bit about "past 1978" is the bad news. The good news is that we've made *some* inroads on Lettera 22 serial numbers, Added or expanded on Linea 88, Linea 98, Linea 98 Special, Studio 45, Lettera 25, Lettera 31, Lettera 32, Praxis 48, Editor 3, 3C, 4, 4C, 4 Special, 4C Special, 5, Lexicon 90, 90C, Lettera Electric and Lexicon 83DL. I've also added a huge and badly needed swath of new numbers for Studio 42 and 44!

There are still some holes, and the whole Lettera 22 issue is still up for grabs as OMEF and Schramm still disagree between 1954 and 1956. I'm feeling that Schramm may have those years right, or alternately there were two different serial numbering schemes in those years from two different factories. Schramm makes more sense given some of the L22 examples in the gallery database. If you have a Lettera 22, please re-check your serial number against the new list. You may find it now makes a little more sense.

Mercedes Page Updated! Thu, 18 Dec 2014
Prompted by an article on Robert Messenger's blog indicating that the DB has errors in this list, I took a look at what data I had on Mercedes. I have none of Schumann's original sources, but I do have Schramm 1962, which verifies most of the numbers already there, and adds quite a lot more for Models S6, S6A, SE3, SE4, SE5 and K45.

Messed up the Last Modified timestamps in galleries Thu, 18 Dec 2014
which just means that the order on the front page is a little screwey until more activity occurs. I was fixing a problem with something else, and well - you know...