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AEG page updated. Thu, 18 Dec 2014
The AEG page has been verified and updated.

Voss page updated. Thu, 18 Dec 2014
The VOSS page has been corrected and updated.

Royal page updated. Thu, 18 Dec 2014
The Royals page has been completely revamped, corrected and updated.

Tower page added. Thu, 18 Dec 2014
I'm on a kick to figure out the Smith-Corona and Sears Tower portables, and whether Towers even run in the same serial number series as SCM's do. There is much to learn about this subject still. I've added a page for Tower, with what I do know. More complete information on Smith-Corona models beyond 1964 is desperately needed, as well as any information on more precisely differentiating Towers.

Updated Patria/Swissa page. Thu, 18 Dec 2014
I've just updated the Patria/Swissa page to reflect information obtained by Georg Sommeregger in an interview with Peter Birchmeier in Aug 2012.