0 Typewriter Galleries » Hunter: Topaz Tangerine
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0 Points, Typewriter Hunter
Hey there! I'm TangerineTopaz, a typewriter collector who started collecting near the tail end of the pandemic. I enjoy bicycling, VR, writing, and (now) typewriting! You'll usually find me in my natural habitat typewriting journal entries about the day at cafes or at home hammering away lengthy stories on one of my two IBM Selectrics - or just, on all day on the r/typewriter discord. I'm not a *hardcore* typewriter guy as I collect machines based on what I like using (Smith Corona Galaxie-series and Olivettis ftw!) though I typically prefer the aesthetic of the more common 60s-80s (Mid-Century Modern) typewriters. Still, despite pursuit of those, I have stumbled across a few neat rare gems I figured ought to be cataloged here!
I may or may not upload my personal machines. Leaf says that uhh... the sticker bombing and customization may be *too* much for the purists here. That said, I really enjoy meeting with folks and sharing the gift of typewriting (it's a delight to see someone's face light up with such a unique gift). It's almost like a forgotten art sometimes to folks of my generation, but there's a lot in memories that... just need to be found once more - even if they didn't exist in the first place. If you're in the Atlanta Typewriter Club, I'll try to say hi to you sometime!!