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4 Typewriter Galleries » Hunter: Jael Perales
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70 Points, Typewriter Hunter
Greetings from Fayetteville, AR! My happy, little collection has quickly grown to 4, from the 1958 Empire Aristocrat that was once used by my wife's father, uncles and aunts to learn to type with, to the 1950 Smith-Corona Sterling that was being sold as broken (until, of course, I was able to fix it), to the 1972 Remington Ten Forty that a local happily gave to me to breathe new life into. And now, I'm staring down my biggest challenge yet in a 1910 Royal Standard model 1! As someone who spends way too much time in front of the computer screen, it's nice to be able to step away and spend some free time giving these machines some much deserved TLC (typewriter love & care).