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AMES Basic Training Manual for Standard Typewriters
By: Murray Harris
January, 1968

Introduction & Table of Contents

The purpose of this typewriter service manual is to provide essential mechanical information on the current standard manual typewriters, both for the training of the student mechanic and for the experienced serviceman's reference as an adjustment manual.

If you are a student, it is suggested you think of this manual as a textbook, studying first the General Information Section page by page. There you will find definitions and explanations, the knowledge of which will provide valuable as you progress to the more technical adjustment sections of the individual machines. Become familiar with its contents, and refer to this first section.

In the General Information Section you will also find helpful suggestions for the fledgling serviceman; such as, a basic starter tool kit, an inspection check sheet, a shop layout plan, etc.

This manual is written in a relatively simple manner, and technical terms are kept at a minimum. Each machine operation and adjustment includes an illustration to speed the understanding of the written material.

The first four typewriters in this manual are covered in detail. After having studied these machines, the student's understanding of the principles of typewriter construction and the function of its mechanism should be such that any additional machine need have only major adjustments included.

  • General Information, Theory and Your Workshop
    1. History of the Typewriter
    2. Customer Relations
    3. Equipment used in Servicing Typewriters
    4. Shop Furnishings
    5. Tool Kits for the Typewriter Serviceman
    6. Basic Typewriter Mechanic Starter Tool Set
    7. Setting Up a Shop
    8. Shop Layout and Equipment
    9. Clean, Oil, Adjust (COA)
    10. Refinishing or Repainting a Typewriter
    11. Refinishing Scales and Labels
    12. Applying Decalcomania Transfers (Varnish)
    13. Ribbon Spools Reference
    14. Typewriter Ribbons
    15. Platens and Feed Rolls
    16. The Pitch of a Typewriter
    17. Binds
    18. Type Aligning
    19. Type Soldering
    20. On Feet and Motion
    21. The Ring and Cylinder
    22. Type Bars and Links
    23. Escapement
    24. Bichrome
    25. Inspection Check Sheet
    26. Tips
  • Royal Standard Typewriter Repair
    1. Cover Plates
    2. Carriage Cover Plates
    3. Carriage
    4. Carriage Adjustment
    5. Bottom Carriage Rail
    6. Ring and Cylinder
    7. Line Space Lever
    8. Paper Feed
    9. Escapement Rack
    10. Escapement
    11. Space Bar
    12. Segment
    13. On Feet - Motion
    14. Bichrome
    15. Ribbon Feed and Reverse
    16. Mainspring
    17. Left Margin
    18. Right Margin
    19. Tabulator Set and Clear
    20. Tabulator
    21. Backspacer
    22. Tools
  • Underwood Standard Typewriter Repair
    1. Cover Plates
    2. Carriage Cover Plates
    3. Carriage
    4. Carriage Adjustment
    5. Front Carriage Rail
    6. Rack
    7. Line Space Lever
    8. Variable
    9. Mainspring
    10. Platen
    11. Feed Rolls
    12. Universal Bar
    13. Escapement
    14. Space Bar
    15. Segment
    16. Ring and Cylinder - On Feet
    17. Motion
    18. Bichrome
    19. Ribbon Spool Shafts
    20. Ribbon Feed and Reverse
    21. Tabulator Set and Clear
    22. Tabulator
    23. Left Margin
    24. Right Margin
    25. Backspacer
    26. Tools
  • Remington Standard Typewriter Repair
    1. Cover Plates
    2. Fold-A-Matic
    3. Carriage
    4. Carriage Rack
    5. Ring and Cylinder
    6. Line Space Lever
    7. Platen
    8. Feed Rolls
    9. Mainspring
    10. Universal Bar
    11. Escapement
    12. Space Bar
    13. Backspacer
    14. Ribbon Feed and Reverse
    15. Bichrome
    16. On Feet and Motion
    17. Margins
    18. Tabulator
    19. Tools
  • Smith Corona Standard Typewriter Repair
    1. Base Cover Plates
    2. Carriage Cover & Platens
    3. Carriage Adjustments
    4. Ring and Cylinder
    5. Mainspring
    6. Variable
    7. Line Space
    8. Paper Feed
    9. Universal Bar
    10. Escapement
    11. Space Bar
    12. Bichrome
    13. Ribbon Feed and Reverse
    14. On Feet and Motion
    15. Margins
    16. Line Lock, Margin Release and Bell
    17. Tabulator Set and Clear
    18. Tabulator
    19. Backspacer
    20. Tools
  • Adler Standard Typewriter Repair
    1. Base Cover Plates
    2. Carriage Cover Plates
    3. Carriage
    4. Ring and Cylinder
    5. Platen
    6. Paper Feed
    7. Variable
    8. Line Spacer
    9. Universal Bar and Trip
    10. Escapement
    11. Space Bar
    12. On Feet and Motion
    13. Ribbon Feed
    14. Bichrome
    15. Tabulator Rack
    16. Tabulator
    17. Backspacer
    18. Tools
  • Hermes Standard Typewriter Repair
    1. Cover Plates
    2. Carriage Cover Plates
    3. Carriage
    4. Platen
    5. Line Spacer
    6. Paper Feed
    7. Margins
    8. Mainspring Tension
    9. Ring and Cylinder
    10. Escapement
    11. Universal Bar and Trip
    12. Space Bar
    13. On Feet and Motion
    14. Ribbon Feed and Reverse
    15. Bichrome
    16. Tabulator
    17. Backspacer
  • Olympia Standard Typewriter Repair
    1. Type Bars & Covers
    2. Carriage
    3. Line Spacing
    4. Paper Injector
    5. Margins
    6. Ribbon Feed
    7. Bichrome
    8. Escapement
    9. Master Trip
    10. On Feet and Motion
    11. Tabulator
    12. Chart